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Computer Science

Computer science is probably the fastest moving field in education today and whatever career you see yourself having, it is likely that to succeed you will need to have some understanding of this area.

You might consider a job in cyber security, artificial intelligence, robotics or big data, or you might want to make sure that you are fully informed of the underlying systems that we all use daily.

The Computer Science course covers all aspects of modern computing, including practical skills such as programming in Python, using web technologies such as web scripting languages like HTML, JavaScript and an understanding of the hardware systems that underpin all of this. Computer science is as much about the computer as the telescope is about astronomy.

Computing at its heart is about the application of logic to solve complex problems, but it
also requires creativity, critical thinking, analytical skills, communication skills, innovation and resilience.

Computer science is offered as GCSE, A level and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses.